ପୃଷ୍ଠା ଠିକଣା କପି କରନ୍ତୁ ଟ୍ୱିଟରରେ ଅଂଶୀଦାର କରନ୍ତୁ ହ୍ୱାଟସ୍ ଆପ୍ ରେ ଅଂଶୀଦାର କରନ୍ତୁ ଫେସବୁକରେ ଅଂଶୀଦାର କରନ୍ତୁ
ଗୁଗଲ୍ ପ୍ଲେରେ ଯାଆନ୍ତୁ
ସମକକ୍ଷ ଏବଂ ବିପରୀତ ଶବ୍ଦ ସହିତ English ଅଭିଧାନରୁ play out ଶବ୍ଦର ଅର୍ଥ ଏବଂ ଉଦାହରଣ ।

play out   verb

ଅର୍ଥ : Deplete.

ଉଦାହରଣ : Exhaust one's savings.
We quickly played out our strength.

ସମକକ୍ଷ : exhaust, run down, sap, tire

ଅର୍ଥ : Perform or be performed to the end.

ଉଦାହରଣ : How will the election drama be played out?.

ଅର୍ଥ : Play to a finish.

ଉଦାହରଣ : We have got to play this game out, even thought it is clear that we have last.

ଅର୍ଥ : Become spent or exhausted.

ଉଦାହରଣ : The champion's strength played out fast.