ସଦସ୍ୟତା ନିଅନ୍ତୁ
ପୃଷ୍ଠା ଠିକଣା କ୍ଲିପବୋର୍ଡରେ କପି ହୋଇଛି ।
ଅର୍ଥ : (Roman Catholic Church) an antiphon (usually from the Book of Psalms) immediately after the epistle at Mass.
ଅର୍ଥ : Proceeding in small stages.
ଉଦାହରଣ : A gradual increase in prices.
Happening without warning or in a short space of time.
ଅର୍ଥ : (of a topographical gradient) not steep or abrupt.
ଉଦାହରଣ : A gradual slope.
Having a sharp inclination.
ସଂସ୍ଥାପନ କରନ୍ତୁ