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Meaning of word consumption from English dictionary with examples, synonyms and antonyms.

consumption   noun

Meaning : The process of taking food into the body through the mouth (as by eating).

Synonyms : ingestion, intake, uptake

Meaning : Involving the lungs with progressive wasting of the body.

Synonyms : phthisis, pulmonary tuberculosis, wasting disease, white plague

Meaning : (economics) the utilization of economic goods to satisfy needs or in manufacturing.

Example : The consumption of energy has increased steadily.

Synonyms : economic consumption, usance, use, use of goods and services

Meaning : The act of consuming something.

Synonyms : expenditure, using up

वस्तुओं का किया जाने वाला ऐसा उपयोग या भोग कि वे समाप्त हो जाएँ।

दो ही वर्षों में उसने बाप-दादा की कमाई का सफाया कर दिया।

काम में आने या लगने की क्रिया।

हमारे देश में चावल की खपत ज़्यादा होती है।
इस्तमाल, इस्तेमाल, उठान, उठाव, उपभोग, उपयोग, खपत, खरच, खरचा, खर्च, खर्चा, ख़रच, ख़रचा, ख़र्च, ख़र्चा, दोहन, प्रयोग

କାମରେ ଆସିବା ବା ଲାଗିବାର କ୍ରିୟା

ଆମ ଦେଶରେ ଚାଉଳର ବ୍ୟବହାର ବେଶୀ
ଅପଚୟ, ଉପଭୋଗ, ଖର୍ଚ୍ଚ, ପ୍ରୟୋଗ, ବ୍ୟବହାର

ବସ୍ତୁସମୂହର କରାଯାଉଥିବା ଏପରି ଉପଯୋଗ ବା ଭୋଗ ଯାହା ସମୂଳେ ଶେଷ ହୋଇଯାଏ

ଦୁଇବର୍ଷରେ ସେ ବାପା-ଦାଦାଙ୍କ ରୋଜଗାରକୁ ସଫା କରିଦେଲା
ଶେଷ, ସଫା